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West Chester, OH, 45069, US
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MLS #:1813667
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UPDATED: Aug, 10th 2024 6:14PM
Step inside this spacious 4-bed 2.5-bath residence, which features a stunning and fenced in-ground pool and a large backyard with a 3 season room, perfect for relaxation and entertainment. A well maintained interior will welcome you with recently renovated bathrooms (within the last 5 years), a sleek kitchen with modern updates from 2021, including appliances, furnace/ac are from 2019. Located near VOA , you'll enjoy the convenience of nearby shopping and dining options. Don't miss out on this perfect blend of comfort and convenience!
Information herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and is provided exclusively for consumers personal, non-commercial use, and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing.
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