Schedule K-2 and K-3 for Pass-Through Entities | FTI (2024)

Starting with tax year 2021, the IRS requires two new schedules – K-2 and K-3 – to be prepared with Forms 1065, 1120-S and 8865.

Schedules K-2 and K-3 are intended to replace, supplement and standardize parts of the existing international tax reporting sections in Schedule K and Schedule K-1.

They are designed to provide greater clarity for non-U.S. partners and U.S. partners who claim foreign tax credits on how to compute their U.S. income tax liability with respect to items of international tax relevance, including claiming deductions and credits. The schedules will also allow the IRS to verify taxpayer compliance on international matters with more ease.

  • Schedule K-2 is an extension of Schedule K
  • Schedule K-3 is an extension of Schedule K-1

Schedule K-2 summarizes all partners’ shares of the partnership’s items of international tax relevance, and:

  • functions much like Schedule K,
  • has 12 parts (one part is reserved),
  • is a 19-page schedule (additional statements and schedules may be required if not specifically identified within the Schedule K-2).

Schedule K-3 reports each partner’s share of the partnership's items of international tax relevance (i.e., each partner’s allocable share of Schedule K-2) and:

  • functions much like Schedule K-1,
  • has 13 parts that mirror Schedule K-2, along with additional parts to provide information for a foreign partner to figure its distributive share of deemed sale items on a transfer of the partnership interest,
  • is a 20-page schedule.

It is important to note that certain information must be reported on Schedule K-2 and K-3 if a partnership has direct or indirect partners that are foreign persons and/or C corporations and/or individuals. The instructions to Schedules K-2 and K-3 provide that a partnership that does not have or receive sufficient information or notice regarding a partner should presume the partner is foreign (or that a foreign person has a U.S. income tax reporting obligation with respect to a partnership item) or is eligible to claim a foreign tax credit, and the partnership should complete the schedules accordingly. This was also confirmed by the revisions to the 2021 instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 that were issued in January 2022.

As a result, the identity and type of partners in a partnership, especially tiered partnership structures, are critical pieces of information for a partnership’s ability to comply with the new Schedule K-2/K-3 filing requirements.

Transition Penalty Relief

The IRS has announced transition penalty relief in Notice 2021-39 for certain failures related to the filing of the new K-2/K-3 for taxable years that begin in 2021 if the filer establishes that it made a good faith effort to comply with the new requirements to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

Additionally, the IRS is providing another exception for 2021 to filing Schedules K-2/K-3 for certain domestic partnerships and S corporations. To qualify for this exception, all of the following conditions must be met (up to and including the filing date):

  • In tax year 2021, the direct partners in the domestic partnership are not foreign individuals or entities.
  • In tax year 2021, the domestic partnership or S corporation has no foreign activity (including foreign taxes paid or accrued).
  • In tax year 2020, the domestic partnership or S corporation did not provide, nor did partners or shareholders request, certain gross receipts or other information on lines 16 or 20c of Schedule K and K-1 (line 14 for Form 1120-S).
  • The domestic partnership or S corporation has no knowledge that the partners or shareholders are requesting such information for tax year 2021. If a partnership relies on this exception and a partner subsequently requests such information, the partnership must provide.

Action Items

Here are some items to consider for the current year:

  • Consider whether the partnership is eligible for the exception by meeting the criteria
  • Identify any changes needed to partnership agreements, side letters, subscription agreements and/or investor questionnaires to facilitate the sharing of information with partners or shareholders that is relevant to determining whether and how to file Schedules K-2 and K-3.
  • Consider the timing of K-1 and K-3 deliverables.
  • Collaborate with investors to gather necessary information regarding indirect partners and related parties (include a questionnaire with projections to be completed and returned to the partnership).
  • Review new data needs — perform analysis between current footnote reporting and data requirements of Schedules K-2/K-3 and decide how to address data that is not currently maintained.

Sample Roadmap for Preparation of Schedules K-2 and K-3

  • If a partner has provided a Form W-8, this confirms that the partner is foreign. If there is information of indirect foreign ownership, Schedules K-2 and K-3 also will be needed. A partnership that does not have information as to whether a partner is foreign or not should assume that the partner is foreign and complete Schedules K-2 and K-3.
  • If there are corporate partners in any of these partnerships, there are certain sections of Schedules K-2 and K-3 that need to be completed (Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part VIII, Part IX). In case any of the corporate partners provide a representation that they do not need to compute the foreign tax credit at their level, you may not be required to fill part II and part III of Schedules K-2 and K-3, but part IV still needs to be completed. There are exceptions to this requirement for partners that are REITs, RICs and S corporations.
  • If there are partners that are partnership entities with no ownership details, certain sections of K-2/ K-3 may need to be completed under the presumption that these partnerships have indirect corporate partners.
  • If there is any kind of foreign investments outside the United States, certain other sections of K-2/K-3 relating to outbound investments may apply.

Quick Round-up

In summary, partnerships should understand the additional reporting requirements for Schedules K-2 and K-3 as applicable to their investments and ownership structures. It is critical to discuss with tax advisors to determine the changes needed to the tax reporting and compliance process and identify the additional information needs. Also, the timing of delivering Schedules K-2 and K-3 will be of utmost importance, especially for tiered partnership structures that need additional time to process all the new Schedule K-3 disclosures provided by lower-tier partnerships. Proactive planning of the tax compliance process to embrace Schedules K-2 and K-3 by identifying and assigning the right resources is the best way to tackle this new compliance requirement.

Schedule K-2 and K-3 for Pass-Through Entities | FTI (2024)


Schedule K-2 and K-3 for Pass-Through Entities | FTI? ›

Schedule K-2 is an extension of Form 1065, Schedule K, and is used to report items of international tax relevance from the operation of a partnership. Schedule K-3 is an extension of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) and is generally used to report to partners their shares of the items reported on Schedule K-2.

Who needs to file schedule K-2 and K-3? ›

Partnerships and S corporations with “items of international tax relevance” must file the schedules. A partnership files the schedules with its Form 1065. An S corporation files the schedules with its Form 1120-S. The partnership or S corporation must also give Schedule K-3 to its partners or shareholders.

Is there an exception for filing K-2 and K-3? ›

1065 Schedule K-2 and K-3 – Domestic Filing Exception. Per the IRS instructions, a 2023 domestic partnership does not need to complete and file with the IRS Schedules K-2 and K-3 or furnish to the partner(s) their Schedule K-3 if each of the following 4 criteria are met: No or limited foreign activity.

What is the difference between k2 and k3? ›

Form K-2 is titled “Partners' Distributive Share Items – International” and reports an entity's total activity with respect to these items. Form K-3 is titled “Partner's Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. – International” and is filed to report each individual partner's respective share of these items.

What is the tax credit for pass-through entities? ›

199A Deduction) The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) created a deduction for households with income from sole proprietorships, partnerships, and S corporations, which allows taxpayers to exclude up to 20 percent of their pass-through business income from federal income tax.

What is the difference between k-2 and k-3? ›

Schedule K-2 is an extension of Schedule K of the Form 8865 and is used to report items of international tax relevance from the operation of a partnership. Schedule K-3 is an extension of Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) and is generally used to report the share of the items reported on Schedule K-2.

What happens if you don't have a Schedule K-3? ›

Specifically; "If you do not receive a 2021 Schedule K-3, then you may need to disclose this on your individual tax return to protect yourself against the $10,000 penalty." They go on to recommend forms 8082 and 8275.

What is the penalty for failure to file K-2 and K-3? ›

Chan: The relief that was provided and Notice 2021-39 said that essentially you had relief against certain penalties for failure to file K-2, K-3 and those penalties are roughly $200 to $500 and it can be multiplied by the number of partners.

What is the difference between k1 and k2 and k3 tax forms? ›

As explained by the IRS, Form 1065 Schedule K-2 reports items of international tax relevance and is an extension of the Form 1065, Schedule K. In general, the Form 1065 Schedule K-3 reports a partner's distributive share of items of international tax relevance and is an extension of the Form 1065 Schedule K-1.

What type of tax is Schedule K-3? ›

Schedule K-3 reports items of international tax relevance from the operation of a partnership. Schedule K-2 is an extension of Form 1120-S, Schedule K, and is used to report items of international tax relevance from the operation of an S corporation.

What are factors K1 K2 K3 for? ›

k1 = Risk coefficient or probability coefficient

k2 = Terrain, height and structure size factor. k3 = Topography factor. -> GPSC AE Final Result has been declared for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Mechanical), Class-II (GWSSB), Advt.

What is K3 good for? ›

Despite harmful effects in humans, vitamin K3 has demonstrated anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties in test-tube studies. One test-tube study found that vitamin K3 killed human breast, colorectal and kidney cancer cells by activating a particular protein.

How to calculate K3? ›

Essentially, when two or more reactions come together and you want to know the equilibrium constant, you can multiply the equilibrium constants of the two separate reactions to obtain the K for the overall reaction. The equilibrium constant for this reaction, K3, would be K1 * K2.

What is a disadvantage of a pass-through entity? ›

The most significant disadvantage of all pass-through entities except for S-Corps is that the owners pay taxes and self-employment taxes on all company earnings. This tax treatment could mean they are pushed into a higher tax bracket and pay 15.3% in self-employment taxes.

How is a pass-through entity taxed? ›

Most US businesses are taxed as pass-through (or flow-through) entities that, unlike C-corporations, are not subject to the corporate income tax or any other entity-level tax. Instead, their owners or members include their allocated shares of profits in taxable income under the individual income tax.

Does the IRS allow a deduction for pass-through entity tax? ›

PTEs that pay state income taxes at the entity level can then deduct the amounts paid when determining federal ordinary income, in effect creating a deduction for state income taxes that's not subject to the $10,000 limitation.

Who needs to file Schedule 3? ›

Schedule 3 is necessary for taxpayers who are eligible for specific tax credits or need to report certain types of payments. This includes individuals who can claim credits like the child, education, or foreign tax credits.

What is the penalty for not filing k2 k3? ›

Penalties may apply for filing Form 1120-S or Form 1065 without Schedules K-2 and K-3 where required. Late filing penalties of $210 per month, per partner or shareholder, in addition to a $280 penalty per partner or shareholder for failure to furnish information may apply if the schedules are not properly completed.

What is the difference between a k1 and k2 tax form? ›

As explained by the IRS, Form 1065 Schedule K-2 reports items of international tax relevance and is an extension of the Form 1065, Schedule K. In general, the Form 1065 Schedule K-3 reports a partner's distributive share of items of international tax relevance and is an extension of the Form 1065 Schedule K-1.

Who must file Schedule K? ›

Schedule K-1s are usually issued by pass-through businesses or financial entities that don't directly pay corporate tax on their income but shift the tax liability (along with most of their income) to their stakeholders.


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