So, how many people thought he was still alive? - Jim Varney (2024)

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So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Post deleted Re: So, how m5b4any people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive? References

So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 08, 2006 09:44 PM) Reply|

Member since June 2006

I found out about his death on Paul Harvey the morning he passed away in 2000. It was quite a shock, mostly because he was only about 50. I am rather surprised that even today, six and a half years later, folks didn't know he was dead. This topic seems to make up a large portion of the comments here on this board. Why wasn't the news spread around like all other Hollywood passings? Chris Farley, Phil Hartman, and John Ritter are three names that, when brought up in casual conversation, are unquestioned to have left usbut when someone brings up the name of Jim Varney, the odds are some person in the room likely missed the news of his departure. All I'm left to ask is, Why didn't anyone catch on?

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 15, 2006 10:07 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2005

I just found out like 2 minutes ago that he died.

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 16, 2006 08:24 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2006

Wow I didn't know he was dead either till 2 minute ago

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(December 25, 2006 10:38 PM) Reply|

Member since December 2006

I just found out the man has passed away. Damn.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(January 04, 2007 03:58 AM) Reply|

Member since June 2005

You folks, like me, read he was dead on the high noon at mega mountain board? Probably not, I had to come over and check.

RIP Ernest bit late, but hey ho

Get back! I am Ahab

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 15 years ago(October 09, 2008 02:46 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2005

Yeah, I just found out via the Toy Story 3 boards. depressing. :(
He was so funny.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 15 years ago(October 13, 2008 06:54 AM) Reply|

Member since April 2005

Jim Varney was great. I think I knew he was dead but I forgot until now.

Officer Michaels: I'm assuming you all have guns and crack!

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(November 03, 2006 05:18 PM) Reply|

Member since November 2003

I found out a couple weeks ago.
I simply assumed he was alive.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 14 years ago(October 04, 2009 11:09 PM) Reply|

Member since June 2000

I found out that Jim Verney had died when I head some kids at my High School my Junior year in the year 2000 talking about him and really didin't think anything about it. I think that if Jim Varney had not smoked cigarettes he would have not gotten lung cancer and died. He would most likely be alive today.

What I remember about Jim Varney was when he played the charter Ernest P. Worrel. The first time I remember him as Ernest P. Worrel was not in any of his tv shows or movies, but when he was in a Chevrolet commercial. Ever time I would see that commercial on television, I would shout to the tv screen, "Hey that's Ernest." I just wish that he had not smoked cigarettes and gotten lung cancer which ended up killing him.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 14 years ago(January 04, 2010 11:07 AM) Reply|

Member since December 2006

I didn't know he died either. I guess Hollywood doesn't like real entertainers.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 14 years ago(December 30, 2009 02:52 AM) Reply|

Member since January 2002

I just found out 10 minutes ago when I watched a Nostalgiacritic item on Ernest Saves Christmas

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 18, 2006 04:05 AM) Reply|

Member since October 2005

Perhaps because he appeared as an actor after he died (Atlantis). Not sure how often something like that happens, though.

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 21, 2006 07:24 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2005

Yup, just found out a few seconds ago. Weird, I'm usually pretty on top of who's alive and what not.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 26, 2006 08:06 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2006

i just now found out he is dead, wow i dident know that :(

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 16 years ago(September 30, 2007 12:22 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2005

I would have rather had puff daddy hit by a car then ernest die..he had soooo much more to offer

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(April 02, 2007 11:34 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2004

I knew he was dead, but i didn't know he played the prince that was infatuated with Jackie on the show Roseanne he didn't look a thing like Ernest so I didn't put two and two together until right now. lol

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(June 11, 2007 10:49 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2004

i just found out 10 minues ago via a joke on family guy.

sad. really sad. i grew up watching his car commercials

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 16 years ago(September 12, 2007 03:13 AM) Reply|

Member since April 2006

Yep, me too! Family guy can be informative, remember that! ;)

Otherwise I was really suprised, and a bit sad, indeed. Even if I wasn't really a member of his fanclub, I think the joy he has been able to spread and share through his career will be hard to forget!

Those who dreams by day are cognisant of many things wich escape those who dreams by night -Poe

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 16 years ago(December 07, 2007 09:52 AM) Reply|

Member since February 2007

RE: YEAH, probably he did show up in my dreams was last night Jim could be alive?
by - SCboyfriend friday , december 07 2007

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 26, 2006 11:05 PM) Reply|

Member since August 2006

sadly most poeple didnt know he died my brothers were talking about how they used milk to fight the aliens in one movie and i thought "hey, whatever happened to him?" and i found out abouthis death from here. he was a great actor always brought a smile to my face :)

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 12 years ago(March 10, 2012 04:25 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2011

I found out heda0 was dead just now from a reference on Family Guy.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 28, 2006 08:19 AM) Reply|

Member since September 2005

holy crap, i just found out now.. i never knew
ive seen most of the ernest movies and i love them all. *beep* i wish i had known.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 28, 2006 10:29 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2005

I didn't find out until 6 months after he died that he was dead. I found out because A&E or some other channel ran a biography around that time. I was so shocked. I grew up with the Ernest movies (I remember going to see "Ernest Scared Stupid" sooo many times in the theatre as a kid) and still have all of them on VHS. I have some old episodes of his TV show recorded on tape somewhere too. Definitely one of the greatest comedic actors of our time. I like to remember him for his life and what he gave us with his movies, but it is hard not to get depressed when I realize that he is gone IMO he died at a young age

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(September 01, 2006 06:12 PM) Reply|

Member since February 2006

I found out right now.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(September 03, 2006 11:19 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2006

Sounds like y'all need to read the news once in a while. It was all over the media when it happened.

I'm just a patsy!

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Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(September 04, 2006 01:28 PM) Reply|

Member since June 2006

I don't recall it being "all over the media". I just heard it breify on Paul Harvy News & Comment as a side-note.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 07, 2006 08:24 PM) Reply|

Member since February 2006

I knew he died, I remember hearing about it and being sad. But I didn't realize it's been six years since he died.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 15 years ago(March 25, 2009 09:24 PM) Reply|

Member since August 2007

I found out about three or four years ago. I loved his movies when I was young, Ernest Scared Stupid being my favorite. I was sad back then, and still wish he were alive today.
Honestly, I think that despite what kind of media coverage his death recieved in 2000, either people related him more with Ernest, causing confusion to some, or that honestly, the media has become far more concerned with celebrity affairs in recent years than before. Don't get me wrong, I was 10 in 2000, so I wasn;t always watching the news or checking out old issues of Star magazine or something, but I think we've become a very tabloid-obsessed nation in the past 6 or 7 years, and that is why at the time, many never really caught wind of Jim's death.
RIP Jim Varn5b4ey, even if I'm a few years too late.
Slaughter is the best medicine

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 15 years ago(May 30, 2009 10:04 PM) Reply|

Member since January 2004

Found out 5 minutes ago. And to think he's been dead almost 10 years

So, how many people thought he was still alive? - Jim Varney (31)

Star Trek 7/10

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 15 years ago(June 20, 2009 03:51 AM) Reply|

Member since June 2005

Fortunately for me I never sat through one of his so-called moviesI guess I am also fortunate to not have to worry about any trailers for any new ones that would have come out had he not abused his bodyI am sure Pixar can find a replacement for such a high calibre role of the Slinky Dog.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 09, 2006 11:15 PM) Reply|

Member since August 2003

I thought he was still alive until I looked at his page :-( I LOVED the Ernest series when I was a child and I still do It's a disappointment he's dead.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 10, 2006 12:08 PM) Reply|

Member since April 2006

I didnt know he died until just now, as I was reading this board. That sucks, I loved all the ernest movies, I think my favourite was ernest scared stupid. Rest in peace Jim Varney

- Chris Mayhew

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 11, 2006 04:24 PM) Reply|

Member since September 2004

Man this is crazy..everyone I know doesn't know he died, either! Crazy.. I remember the day he died very wellI heard about it on tv

R.I.P Jim Varney, we love you and miss you!

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 12, 2006 09:17 PM) Reply|

Member since July 2005

I literally just found out on Jay Leno 2 minutes ago when Billy Bob Thorton was talking about how Jim used to be good at picking up women with obscene as*hole statements. Love his movies. I watch Ernest Saves Christmas every year. Can't believe he's been gone for 6 years and I didn't hear a thing once

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 13, 2006 06:31 AM) Reply|

Member since August 2005

^ same here.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(September 17, 2006 07:57 PM) Reply|

Member since July 2006

well its been said over and over, but i too am shocked to hear he's dead, his stupid hijinks will be missed.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(October 06, 2006 07:24 AM) Reply|

Member since May 2004

just found out one minute ago in the toy story 3 thread.

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Re: So, how m
any people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(October 20, 2006 08:41 AM) Reply|

Member since July 2005

sheesh i just checkd now, read on toy story 3 board that slinky 's voice person was dead. check hu he was n found out it was Ernest:( R.I.P)

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(October 28, 2006 10:53 AM) Reply|

Member since December 2004

omg that sucks i loved him in beverly hillbillys im really cut now. i only just found out coz i was looking at his message boards RIP buddy

In the end, it comes down to how we lived, and what we lived for.

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(November 05, 2006 01:23 PM) Reply|

Member since June 2005

I also thought he was alive - unti5b4l I came onto his profile yesterday.

RIP dude.. you will be missed :(

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 18 years ago(August 08, 2006 09:44 PM) Reply|

Member since February 2006

slinky was the best character in toy story and know I find out hes dead thats just gay

Re: So, how many people thought he was still alive?



» 17 years ago(November 09, 2006 08:53 PM) Reply|

Member since December 2005

I just found out a couple minutes ago. Wow, he went young! =(

So, how many people thought he was still alive? - Jim Varney (2024)


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