The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (2025)

Investing in firearms is no small commitment. You’ve likely spent time, money, and effort building a reliable arsenal, from your trusty 9mm pistol to a precision rifle or an AR-15 setup. You’ve equipped yourself with the right accessories, stocked up on ammo, and even put in the hours at the range to sharpen your skills.

But here’s the problem: no matter how much you prepare, your dirty or dry firearm is a malfunction waiting to happen. The last thing you want in a critical moment is a dreaded “click” instead of a bang.

Finding the right gun oil or lubricant to keep your firearms running smoothly is essential. But in your research, you’ve probably encountered sponsored lists, random ramblings on social media about some whiz-bang 20-in-1 grease, or arcane homebrew instructions to make your own lubricant. Let’s not forget the old-timer advice — “Throw some Mobil 1 in there and forget about it!”

But who has time to digest all the conflicting opinions, marketing hype, and DIY myths? How do you know what works and what’s just pixie dust?

At Pro Armory, we’ve done the hard work for you. This list cuts through the noise to bring you the best gun oils and lubricants that help you save time, skip the guesswork, and get the right oil for your firearms.

What To Consider When Buying Firearm Lubricant or Gun Oil

In the most basic sense, your firearms are pieces of machinery. Much like any machine, they need to be taken care of as such to ensure proper and consistent operation. However, unlike most machines, you probably purchased your firearm for defense of life and property.

With that in mind, consistency is critical. A clean and lubricated gun is a happy (and reliable) gun.

That being said, you’ll want to consider several factors when purchasing firearm lubricant or gun oil — things like purpose, operating temperature, environment, and composition.


There are multi-purpose firearms lubricants out there. However, we recommend you consider the actual purpose of whichever gun oil you choose. For example, if your firearm is for defensive use, you may want to consider an all-in-one solution which cleans, lubricates, and provides a measure of protection for daily use.

However, if the firearm you are taking care of is a treasured family heirloom or a one-of-a-kind safe queen, you might want to invest in a product that prioritizes rust protection.


Consider the overall temperature of your guns’ environment. If you are in a hot desert or tropical environment, you may want to utilize an extreme duty gun grease. Grease will provide excellent performance when operating your gun in hot weather.

However, the same grease will likely harden into an almost solid waxy substance in temperatures close to and below freezing. For colder applications, you want to keep a stash of 0-157 lubricant handy. Made by a variety of manufacturers, 0-157 is a military-spec lubricant designed for arctic operations.


You’ll also need to consider the environment of where you plan to use your guns. Are you in the dusty areas of the nation like Las Vegas or Arizona? If so, a thicker and more viscous lubricant will carry those sand particles away, ensuring more reliable performance.

If humidity is a problem, proper firearm grease is a good solution. If you live by the ocean where corrosion is your biggest enemy, get a firearm lubricant known for rust protection qualities. Thankfully most gun oils are affordable, so it’s easy to keep more than one kind on hand.


Until recently, firearms lubricants were quite similar to other oils. A bottle of oil for your gun was a close cousin of the same oil you used in your car. Often they were made by the same manufacturer, just under a different brand for marketing reasons. Old-school Second Amendment aficionados may even remember putting actual motor oil into a gun, since it was “good enough.” But while putting some Castrol GTX in the action of your AR-15 will get you through the day, it’s not ideal.

Nowadays, firearms lubricant is its own science. Dedicated companies like Lucas, Real Avid, and Breakthrough Clean spend time and money researching how to make the best gun oil possible.

Beyond the protective and lubrication properties, manufacturers also consider the effects on you, the end user. Today, we know that constant exposure to toxic substances (like motor oil) will cause health problems over time, especially if you don’t wear personal protective equipment (aka PPE). With this in mind, a lot of newer firearm lubricants are specifically formed to be non-toxic and biodegradable. Some manufacturers even claim their products are “food grade.” Not that we’d recommend seasoning your lunch with gun oil, of course.

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The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (1)

Real Avid Gun Boss Handgun Clning Kt

Gun Boss

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TIP: Get The Right Cleaning Kit

Choosing the right cleaning kit is just as important as selecting the right gun oil. A proper cleaning routine ensures your firearm operates reliably and safely — and many oils and lubricants need to be applied with brushes to reach areas human hands simply can’t. The rods and brushes in a good cleaning kit make application easier and more effective.

A quality kit also equips you with the tools needed to remove fouling, residue, and debris that can compromise performance if left unchecked. By thoroughly preparing your firearm’s surfaces, a cleaning kit ensures your gun oil works as intended.

The Different Types of Firearm Lubricant

Not all firearm lubricants and gun oils are created equal or serve the same purpose.

Some are simple lubricants — you clean your firearm with one product, apply the lubricant, and repeat the process after use.

Others are all-in-one solutions that clean, lubricate, and protect (CLPs). While multi-purpose products may lack specialization, they’re ideal for convenience, especially when your time is limited.

Then there are greases, designed for extreme heat and harsh environmental conditions. Below, we’ll break down the basic types to help you choose the right one for your needs.

Lubrication Oils

Firearms lubricants are designed with one specific purpose: to reduce friction and keep metal-on-metal components running smoothly during operation. These oils create a low-friction environment to protect working surfaces under the intense pressure of firing.

While they typically perform well across a decent temperature range, they aren’t as effective as greases for high-heat conditions or specialized cold-weather oils for freezing temperatures. Straight-up lubricants offer little to no cleaning properties or rust protection, so they’re best suited for short-term use when you plan to take your firearm out soon.

All-In-One Cleaning, Lubrication, and Protection Oils

All-in-one cleaning, lubrication, and protection (CLP) gun oils are designed for convenience and speed. Though marketed as replacements for dedicated products, they are more of a jack-of-all-trades than a master of any one function.

CLPs can handle:

  • Routine cleaning after a range trip
  • Adequate lubrication for reliable use
  • Basic protection against everyday environmental conditions

However, compromises are inherent — CLPs won’t leave your AR-15 chamber spotless or provide long-term preservation for heirloom firearms. Think of them like an automatic car wash: it’s quick and functional, but if you want detailed care, dedicated products will work much better.

For those with busy schedules, CLPs are a great choice for regular maintenance. But in any case, it’s worth the effort to occasionally give your firearms the “VIP treatment” with specialized cleaners, lubricants, and protectants.


Firearm greases are highly specialized lubricants designed for extreme heat and harsh environments, making them ideal for intense use in deserts or arid regions. They excel at maintaining smooth operation in dusty or sandy conditions, especially for automatic firearms like the M4 or M16.

However, grease lacks cleaning and rust-inhibiting properties, so thorough cleaning and follow-up with a corrosion-resistant lubricant are essential after use. Similar to a racing car’s specialized oil, grease isn’t great for everyday use or long-term storage, and they perform poorly in cold climates. For best results, reserve grease for high-heat scenarios and pair it with proper cleaning and maintenance routines.

Quick Look: The Best Firearm Lubricants of Each Type

Ultimately, the decision of which type of firearm lubricant or gun oil to use depends on your situation. Are you in a hot and dry environment like Arizona? Arctic conditions like Alaska? A tropical location like Miami? Running your guns hard and heavy? Pampering your safe queen? Regardless, we’ve done the work for you and have categorized and selected the best firearms lubricants, all-in-one “CLP” products, and greases.

Lubricants Table
NameTypeViscosityLow Temp LimitHigh Temp Limit
Militec 1OilMedium-45° F410° F
Gunfighter Gun OilOilMedium-43° F547° F
Lucas Extreme Duty Gun OilOilMedium-38° F400° F
Break-Free CLPAll-In-OneThin-65° F475° F
Breakthrough Clean Battle Born CLPAll-In-OneThin-53° F430° F
Real Avid Tri Max CLPAll-In-OneMedium-38° F400° F
Lucas Extreme Duty GreaseGreaseThick-20° F540° F
Breakthrough Clean Battle Born GreaseGreaseThick-75° F510° F

The Best Gun Oils

Gun oil is designed purely to reduce friction and keep metal components running smoothly during operation, without cleaning properties or rust protection. These are ideal for short-term use.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (3)


1. Militec 1

One of the first of the “modern” dedicated firearm lubricants is Militec 1, originally developed by a lumberjack named Brad Giordani. Militec 1 was made to keep chainsaws and other tree-cutting tools running reliably in the cool, rainy and damp conditions of the Pacific Northwest.

Seeking to expand into other applications and obtain reliable backing, Giordani relocated to the Washington DC area. There, the United States government got wind of his inventions, and the Militec 1 soon became the sought-after firearms lubricant that it is today.

In terms of reputation, Militec 1 is the high-performance choice of professionals around the world who demand the best for their firearms, including many of our nation’s special operations teams.

Militec 1 is a reliable lubricant with a decent temperature range, especially suitable for defensive needs. Furthermore, Militec 1 leaves a thin treatment film on your gun’s working components, ensuring reliability even when running “dry”. But this kind of performance doesn’t come cheap, so you’ll pay a little extra for a bottle.

Since Militec 1 is a dedicated lubricant, you’ll want to follow up any session where you use it with a dedicated cleaning and treatment regimen before reapplying.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (4)


2. Gunfighter Gun Oil

Just like Miltec, Gunfighter Gun Oil was developed by a guy who was in the thick of things and needed it the most. Noted firearms trainer Mickey Schuch developed Gunfighter Gun Oil simply because he couldn’t find a good alternative.

Mickey’s goal was to make the best dedicated firearms lubricant around, and with endorsements from the likes of Jack Carr, it’s clear he can declare “mission accomplished”. This gun oil keeps your guns running at top performance, reliably.

Gunfighter is actually non-biodegradable, which ensures that the lubricant will remain useful and reliable over time, as it will not easily evaporate or degrade. It’s also free of coloring or scents. If it’s not needed for lubrication, it was not included in Mickey’s formula. Plus, Gunfighter Gun Oil is also pretty affordable, even in larger quantities.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (5)


3. Lucas Extreme Duty Gun Oil

The operating temperatures and conditions of extreme duty automotive applications and firearms are pretty similar in some respects. High temperatures, rugged environmental factors, and operator preferences all come into play. So it’s little wonder that Lucas Oil has branched out from autos into the world of firearms.

Originally founded by Forrest and Charlotte Lucas, the company got started over 35 years ago producing lubrication products for truck fleets. In that world, vehicles saw heavy and prolonged use, so reliability was paramount. Fast forward and this family-owned business rapidly staked its claim in the firearm world with products like Lucas Extreme Duty Gun Oil.

This oil is a blend of environmentally-friendly petroleum products specially formulated for high-intensity and high-volume shooting applications. Lucas Extreme Duty Gun Oil is sought out by those who run their guns hard and hot (especially in full-auto).

The oil applies a thin protective film for really impressive “dry” performance as a side benefit, though it will biodegrade over time. So, more frequent treatments may be needed if your gun is in storage for an appreciable amount of time.

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The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (6)

Lucas Ext Duty Clp Aerosol 11Oz


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BONUS: For a great all-in-one solution, you can try Lucas Extreme Duty CLP.

The Best All-In-One CLPs

CLPs (Cleaning, Lubrication, and Protectant) are for those with busy schedules or frequent firearm use. They offer convenience by handling multiple tasks in one solution. However, they aren’t as specialized as dedicated cleaners, lubricants, or protectants.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (7)


4. Break-Free CLP

Legendary Break-Free CLP was the original mainstream CLP. It was first developed by a Swedish company to satisfy a US military requirement for a quick and versatile all-in-one firearms lubrication and maintenance fluid. From that contract onward, Break-Free set the standard by which all other CLPs are judged.

Break-Free is not only used for service weapons like the M4, but also for the truly massive guns of the battlefield like towed artillery. Yes, those kings of battle get a big dose of Break-Free whenever they need cleaning and servicing.

Break-Free is basically the only CLP out there with a proven track record both in the streets and on the battlefield. Its thin nature enables it to rapidly penetrate and clean the intricate workings of even the most complex firearms. This is the definitive “day-to-day” firearms lubricant and protectant.

If Break-Free CLP is good enough for our nation’s warfighters and law enforcement, it’s likely good enough for everyone else, and commonly available just about everywhere.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (8)


5. Breakthrough Clean Battle Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One CLP

CLPs have evolved with advances in chemistry and technology. Breakthrough Clean is at the forefront of that innovation — especially their Battle Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One CLP.

Breakthrough Clean got started in 2013 making aerospace lubricants in Miami. Over time, Breakthrough adapted their knowledge of producing environmentally-friendly aircraft lubrication products to the world of firearms. High-volume shooters, who frequently clean their firearms, sought out their products to cut out and minimize their exposure to the toxic ingredients of more traditional formulations. With each iteration, Breakthrough Clean set the standard for non-toxic “green” firearm lubrication and CLP products.

Now based out of Colorado, Breakthrough Clean has reached a new pinnacle with their Battle Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One CLP, taking the extra time to really zero this one in. A few perks include:

  • pH neutral, so it won’t harm the finish of your guns or damage any polymer components.
  • Truly non-toxic.
  • Cleans residue, carbon fouling, and other contaminants.
  • Provides excellent lubrication over its operating temperature range, along with a good dose of protective qualities.

You’ll find that Breakthrough Clean’s Battle-Born Bio-Synthetic All-In-One CLP also keeps corrosion at bay. Since it is biodegradable, frequent treatments are recommended.

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The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (9)

Real Avid Tri Max Clp 4Oz Bottle

Real Avid

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6. Real Avid Tri-Max CLP

Though it’s a relative newcomer to the world of firearms, you’ve probably seen the Real Avid logo name emblazoned on their line of dedicated maintenance tools like gun vises, inspection kits, and multi-tools.

Their top-quality Tri-Max CLP’s viscous consistency provides a stable lubrication for your firearm and holds up better under colder conditions than other lubricants. Since the company is based out of Minnesota, and their founder is known for being an avid outdoorsman and hunter, this makes perfect sense.

The Tri-Max CLP has a truly impressive rust inhibiting quality. You could likely use this purely in a treatment role for long term storage of any firearm. Considering its very affordable price, it is definitely worth having a decent quantity of Tri-Max CLP on hand, especially if you have a collection of firearms where some may not see regular use.

The Best Gun Greases

Gun grease excels in high-heat scenarios, providing robust lubrication and contamination resistance, but it lacks cleaning and long-term protective qualities. It is best reserved for specialized uses, avoiding cold environments — plus it requires thorough cleaning before reapplication.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (10)


7. Lucas Extreme Duty Grease

Lucas’ Extreme Duty Grease is a real champion for high-temperature and dusty applications. It can be messy to apply, but its slick and viscous qualities ensures a little bit goes a long way. Its adherence to the critical components of your gun’s operating action is nothing short of miraculous. If you’re looking for smooth and reliable operation in even the toughest desert heat, Lucas Extreme Duty Grease will do well.

Of course, if your journeys take you into the cold, this one’s probably not for you. Regardless, it's affordable enough to keep some on hand, just in case you’re taking your gun to the desert.

The 8 Best Gun Oils and Lubricants for All Firearms (11)


8. Breakthrough Clean Battle Born Grease

The environmentally-friendly nature of Battle Born Grease is especially useful if you have any medical sensitivities to toxins, or just want an overall healthier shooting and firearms maintenance experience.

Like other greases, Battle Born Grease is suitable for high-temperature and dry environments, but Breakthrough Clean has gone the extra mile with this grease. The company claims reliable operation of a gun with this grease down to -75° Fahrenheit, which is unheard of. Most other greases would form a solid wax at that point (although, if you’re dealing with that low of temperatures, you probably have bigger problems).

Surprisingly, Battle Born Grease is also price-competitive with other greases, though usually it’s only available in larger quantities.

Graduate-Level Lubrication: Making Your Own

Several of these firearms lubrication products are the result of enthusiasts and professionals making a solution that uniquely suits their needs. Not satisfied with commercial offerings, these ingenious Americans decided to innovate beyond what even the big guys were capable of.

In the same way, you too can make your own firearms lubricant.

A common “DIY” lubrication is Mobil 1 Synthetic Motor Oil mixed with Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease. It is commonly called “SOTARacha” since it was developed by people at the School of the American Rifle (SOTAR), a noted group of talented AR-15 experts and enthusiasts.

This formula also resembles sriracha sauce in composition and color. Users of properly-made SOTARacha report it’s on par with most common dedicated firearms lubricants, and when made in batches, is actually cheaper.

CAUTION: While it’s definitely possible (and quite educational) to make your own lubrication compounds, we’d recommend not using it on a firearm that you are entrusting your life to. Instead, treat it with one of our recommended factory-made products for the ultimate in reliability and safety.

Final Thoughts

Your firearms are tools that could potentially save your life. You want to be confident that when you press the trigger, the gun will go “bang” each and every time.

Even on a range trip, a malfunction can be a stark reminder to take extra care of these lifesaving tools. So clean, lubricate, and protect your firearms with quality products.

You’ll know by now that despite the prevalence of CLPs, there’s really no “one lube that rules them all.” Each has its role to play in the cleaning, lubrication, and protection of your firearms and accessories.

Pro Armory has you covered. Browse our wide range of CLPs, dedicated cleaners, lubricants, and protectants.

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