Wise County Messenger from Decatur, Texas (2024)

DECATUR. April returning home from an evangelistic tour through the country, to our great sarprise and pleasure we found the brethren had gloriously "pounded" us. "If at first you don't succeed try, try The good people of Christian church succeeded marvously "at first." but they believe that "nothing succeeds like hence early Monday morning they resumed the "pounding" business. One would come in and "deal us a blow," observe the effect, return it seems, report to another one of the "tribe" and in they would come and let fly another blow, until late in the day, when two good sisters sent in some edibles supplemented with some "filthy lucre," and now we have a superabundance of groceries, and we not sure the "end is yet in These are noble people and we are glad to live and labor among them. And to one and all we say, "Thanks, awfully." J.

H. SHEPARD AND WIFE. No equal on earth has Hunt's Lightning Oil for Rheumatism and neuralgia, as well as sprains, cuts, burns, bruises, and insect bites and stings. Guaranteed. Price 25c and 50c.

"The Leopa-d's Spots" and the Negro. The following excerpts are taken from the Rev. Thomas Dixon's novel, Leopard's "The future American must be an Anglo-Saxon or a mulatto! We are now deciding which it shall be. The future of the world depends upon the future of this republic. The republic can have no future if racial lines are broken and its proud citizenship sinks to the level of a mongrel breed of mulattoes.

The South must fight this battle to a finish. Two thousand years look down upon the struggle, and two thousand years of the future bend low to catch the message of life or death! Get rid of the negro? Ye gods, that would be a task! The negro is the sentimental pet of the nation. Put him on a continent alone, and he will sink like an iron wedge to the bottomless pit of barbarism. The African has held one-fourth of the globe for 3000 years. He has never taken one step in progress or rescued one jungle from the ape and the adder, except as the slave of a superior race.

He has one hundred years of trial in the Northern states of this union, with every facility of culture and progress, and he has not produced one man who has added a feather's weight to the progress of humanity. The more you educate, the more impossible you make his position in a democracy. Can you change the color of his skin, the kink of his hair, the bulge of his lips, the spread of his nose with a spelling book? The negro is the human donkey. You can train him, but you can't make him a horse. Mate him with a horse you lose the horse and get a larger donkey called a mule, incapable of preserving his species.

What is called our race prejudice is simply God's first law of nature-the instinct of self-preservation." Female Weakness Oured. Iwas troubled with severe female weakness for over six months. I was treated by six very prominent physicians without any marked benefit. My last doctor was a skilled specialist, and he told me that the only hope lay in an operation. I heard of Smith's Sure Kidney Cure and after using it for one month I find myself cured, and even the doctor who last treated me now pronounces me J.

R. Faver, Atlanta, Ga. Price 50c and $1.00. For sale by Man Simmons. You Know what You are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is play printed on every bottle, showit is simply Iron and Quinin eless form.

NoCure No Pay OBITUARY. Mrs. B. E. Stewart.

Correspena: nce. Baptist College Notes. Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Patterson spent Tuesday of last week in Fort Worth.

Owing to the ill health of his father, Tom Bond has been compelled to quit school. Mr. Bond is a good student and a fine young man, and it is with regret that we see him go. On Tuesday last Rev. M.

L. Wallace attended chapel services at the college. On Wednesday Bro. St. Clair showed through the college his friend, Rev.

Ward, of Sweetwater. Franz McConnell visited in Bowie Saturday and Sunday. Mr. E. L.

Vance visited his father and mother at Cottondale a part of last week. S. H. Shipman preached at Audubon Sunday. Miss Zula Welborn was baptised at the church Sunday night.

On his way to the Confederate veterans' reunion at Dallas, Rev. J. W. Thomas, of Seymour, passed Monday night with his son, whom he has kept in school here for the past two years. Miss Tomkies went to Dallas Monday to hear Paderewski.

Mrs. Ward is expecting her uncle and aunt from Kentucky this week. A Doctor's Bad Plight. years ago, as a result of a bad cold. I lost my writes Dr.

M. L. Scarbrough, of Hebron, "then began an obstinate cough. Every remedy known to me as a practicing physician for 35 years, failed, and I daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I found quick relief, and for the last ten days felt better than for two years." Positively guaranteed for throat and lung trouble by Man Simmons. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. ANNEVILLE. April health of this community is good at this writing.

Rev. White, protestant Methodist minister, who has been quite sick for about two weeks, had recovered sufficiently to be out at church Sunday. If this blustery, windy weather does not stop soon it will injure the corn greatly. Already the corn is badly cut by it. Cotton is coming up all right and the color is tine.

so that prospects for this crop are very good. I never saw wheat and oats grow as fast and look as nice as at present, considering the bad start these crops had. Mr. John Prunty. of Aurora, visited the family of W.

W. Allcorn Sunday and attended church here Kelley Roach, formerly of Anneville, now of Tennessee, is visiting his parents ot this place. W. W. Allcorn attended the reunion at Dallas.

OLD TEXAN. A VALUABLE MEDICINE For Coughs and Oolds in Children. "I have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all who are suffering from coughs or colds," says Chas. M. Cramer, a well kown watch- of Colombo, Ceylon.

"It has been some two years since the city dispensary called my attention to this valuable medicine and I have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial. It has cured me quickly of all chest colds. It is especially effective on children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I have persuaded many to try this valuable medicine, and they are all as well pleased as myself over the results." For sale by J. P.

Hayter. To Oure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W.

Grove's signature is on each box, 25c. April 5th the Death Angel came and took from our midst the spirit of Mrs. B. E. Stewart (bet.

ter known as Aunt Biddy). In early youth she professed faith in God and joined the Missionary Baptist church, of which she was a consistent and devoted member, leaving an example of Christianity for us to follow, wnich would insure us a home in that fair Celestial City with God and the angels. She leaves two sons, several grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was kind and good to all, hence winning the friendship of a multitude. Her place in life is vacant and cannot be filled.

She is gone; dear relations and friends; weep not. Ere long we, too, shall be called by the angel band to realms of bliss and glory, there to see her spirit mingling with the ransomed of God. Her dying moments were spent in bidding her friends goodbye and asking them to meet her in heaven. Gone, oh, but not forgotten. Her blessed memory still lives.

Oh, how we miss her, but God in His infinite wisdom saw best to call her home. He needed another flower to grace his holy garden, to add beauty and fragrance to this sainted spot. God in His purity does all for the best. What a sweet home of delight and rest heaven is; no sorrow, pain nor death can enter its open portals--a peaceful home, a pure home. Let us all strive to meet this sweet sister in Paradise.

A FRIEND. Mary Ann Roberts. Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts, one of the oldest pioneers of Texas, passed away at her daughter's home, Mrs. Charley McGuire, on the 14th day of April, 1902, at 5 o'clock p.

at Decatur. Tex. She lived to the ripe old age of 84 years, 3 months and 9 days. She was born in Georgia Jan. 6, 1818, and moved to Texas in 1849, and has lived on the frontier ever since.

She was here when Indian massacres were of daily occurrence, and reared her family under great difficulties. She was loved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Methodist church. Those present at her bedside when she died were her two daughters, Mrs. Nervy McGuire and Mrs.

John Lancy, also her son, Frank Roberts. Mrs. Roberts was a sympathetic, noble and loving mother. She many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Cause of death was la grippe.

She was sick tive weeks. Her burial took place Tuesday at 4 p. m. at the city cemetery. A FRIEND.

Bright's Disease. The largest sum ever paid for a prescription changed hands in San Francisco, Aug. 30, 1901. The transfer involved in coin and stock $112,500 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Diabetes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investigation of the specific Nov.

15, 1900. They interviewed the scores of cured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got physicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25 eighty-seven per cent of the test cases were either well or pro gressing favorably.

There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigation committee and the clinical reports of the test were published and will be mailed free on appli cation. Address, John J. Fal-1 ton Company, 420 Montgomery St. San Francisco, California.

6 'Chis signature is on every box of the genuins Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold in one day For Your Protection The prescription department is the important part of any drug store. Ours is modern in every respect. In the high character of the drugs used, in the methods of compounding, in the skill of our pharmacists, it is thoroughly up-todate. We believe that the service rendened has a value for you beyond any money value, and it costs you nothing extra whatever. Our prices are as low as good prescription work can be done anywhere--lower than the usual cost in most places.

C. B. GUNN Up-to-date Druggist East Side Rogers Clark Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE Represent the oldest and most responsible insurance companies in Americo. DE CAT UR, EX AS. Great Rock island One way Route rate to $25.00 Common California Also ROUND TRIP RATE of ONE FARE PLUS $2.00.

Tickets on sale March 18, April 1st, 15th, May 6th and 20th. Good twenty-one days. Tourist car service after first night, through to San Francisco, twice a week. Write W. H.

FIRTH, G. P. T. Ft. Worth, Tex Look Out for a Chill.

However slight, at this and in this climate, it is a forerunner Malaria A disposition to yawn out feeling comes the chill. kills the Malaria germ in Its very first stages, or cures the disease at any stage. are no' narcotic poisons in it -a purely natural remedy and absolutely harmless. At druggists, 50 cents per bottle. Sold and guaranteed by J.

P. Hayter. Special Rates. State Volunteer Firemen's Association, Waco, Texas, May 14, to 16, 1902. Rate: $4.20 for the round trip.

Selling dates: May 13 and 14. Final limit May 17. Meeting agents of New York Life Insurance Company, San Antonio, Texas, April 28, 29, '02, Rate: One and one- fare for the round trip. Annual Meeting Improved Order of Red Men, Ft. Worth, Texas, May 12-15, '02.

Rate: $1.60 for the round trip. Selling dates: May 12, and for train No. 4, May 13. Final limit, May 16. Texas State Medical Association, Dallas, Texas, May 6 to 9, 1902.

Rate: $2.90 for the round trip. Selling dates: May 5, and for train No. 4. May 6. Final limit to return, May 10.

State Sangerfest, Houston, Texas, May 5-7, 1902. Rate $10.30 for the round trip. Selling dates: May 4 and 5. Final limit, May 8. Convention Episcopal Church, Diocese of Texas, Waco, Texas.

May 7 to 9, '02. Rate: One and one-third fare for the round trip. Annual State Sunday School Convention, Austin, Texas, May 6 to 8, '02. Rate: $7.80 for the round trip. Selling date: May 5, '02.

Final limit to return: May 9. H. E. EATON, Agt. Luther Mauldin, son of Rev.

and Mrs. Henry Mauldin, now of Fort Gibson, I. died at the home of his grand -parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

T. Wallace, near Greenwood last Wednesday. Rev. Maudlin did not reach the bedside of his son before death came, so sudden and swift was the disease. The funeral took place at Rush Creek Thursday, Rev.

J. W. l'incher. of Rosston, assisting Pastor Edwards. The relatives have the genuine sympathy of their many Mr.

Clara Moore, two well known people of this city, were married at Greenwood Monday afternoon, Rev. W. P. Skaggs officiating. They returned immediately to Slidell and will make it their future home.

The bride is very popular among a large circle of friends and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Moore.

Mr. Fleming has resided here several years and IS an industrious, sober and exemplary gentleman-Slidell Courier..

Wise County Messenger from Decatur, Texas (2024)


Who is the owner of the Wise County messenger? ›

Roy and Jeannine Eaton have owned the Messenger since 1973. Roy is a past president of Texas Press Association and the National Newspaper Association.

How did Decatur, TX get its name? ›

Colonel Absolom Bishop raised a flag on the hill where the courthouse now stands, boasting that his choice for the courthouse had won the recent election. Disillusioned with then President Taylor, he changed the city's name to Decatur, after naval hero Stephen Decatur.

What is the history of Wise County Texas? ›

It was named after Virginia Congressman Henry A. Wise, who had supported annexation of Texas by the United States. He was elected governor of Virginia in 1856. As few residents of Wise County were slaveholders, opinions were mixed at the time of the Civil War, and many people opposed secession.

Who is the city manager of Decatur Texas? ›

Nate Mara. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Who is the real owner of messenger? ›

Messenger, also known as Facebook Messenger, is an American proprietary instant messaging service developed by Meta Platforms.

Who runs messenger? ›

Facebook Messenger is an instant messenger service owned by Facebook. More than just a mode of consistent communication, Facebook messenger also gives companies ways to deepen their relationships with clients. Facebook launched Messenger in the Summer of 2011, after acquiring a messaging app named Beluga.

What is Decatur nickname? ›

Decatur (/dɪˈkeɪtər/) is the largest city and county seat of Morgan County (with a portion also in Limestone County) in the U.S. state of Alabama. Nicknamed "The River City," it is located in northern Alabama on the banks of Wheeler Lake along the Tennessee River. The population was 57,938 at the 2020 census.

Why is Decatur famous? ›

In 1922 the city became a centre of soybean production when the first major commercial production plant was opened there. With the establishment of other soybean processing plants, the city became known as the “Soybean Capital of the World.”

What is the ethnicity of Decatur Texas? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Two or more races1,09416.13%
Other race2693.97%
Black or African American1472.17%
3 more rows

What is the largest city in Wise County Texas? ›

Decatur, the county seat and largest town, is thirty-five miles northwest of Fort Worth on U.S. highways 81/287 and 380.

What is the oldest town in Texas? ›

Considered to be the oldest town in Texas, Nacogdoches was founded in 1779 by Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo. This quaint little town is booming with history and stories from years past beginning with the Caddo Indians, who lived in the area before the Spanish, through the present day.

What is the oldest county in Texas? ›

Houston County, the first county established by the Republic of Texas, is east of Waco in the East Texas Timberlands region. It is bordered on the north by Anderson County, on the east by Cherokee, Angelina, and Trinity counties, on the south by Walker and Madison counties, and on the west by Leon County.

Who is Decatur, TX mayor? ›

McQuiston, Mike

Who is the manager of Texas? ›

Bruce Douglas Bochy (/ˈboʊtʃi/; born April 16, 1955) is a French-American professional baseball manager and former catcher who is the manager of the Texas Rangers of Major League Baseball (MLB). During his playing career, Bochy was a catcher for the Houston Astros, New York Mets, and San Diego Padres.

Who is the center Texas City Manager? ›

The City Manager is Chad Nehring. Mr. Nehring became the City Manager in August 2001.


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.